Computer Club Minutes 2020-11-05 Written by Edan Collins, edited by Jesse Downing Fall 2020 Meeting 0x08 Overall Meeting 0x3E Attendance: 4 Jesse Downing (President) Celina Morrison (Vice President) Edan Collins (Secretary) Joel Myers President Jesse Downing officially called the meeting to order on November 5th, 2020 at 6:00pm + Movie Night Tomorrow - Computer Club only - Summer Wars + Ready Player One + Demo of text adventure event, either the 14th or 17th - Jesse will be the gay master, I mean game master - Computer/tech related - "Cyberpunk it" -Jesse, 2020 - Early to mid-December we'll have the actual event - "A taquito is like a cigar, but it tastes like tacos." -Jesse, 2020 - Club rollover to Moss Point Computer Club in December + Edan has a lot of fish - Don't worry about it + The only way Jesse can tell Kim Kardashian and Beyonce apart is because they have "slightly different eyebrows". - Jesse knows nothing about pop culture - "Which one of these is the regular Rhianna?" -Jesse, 2020 - This continues for a very long time until Jesse finally draws a picture perfect representation of Celina - Jesse reads the Neopets underworld story President Jesse Downing officially adjourned the meeting on November 5th, 2020 at 7:45pm