Computer Club Minutes 2019-04-04 Written by Edan Collins Spring 2019 Meeting 0x07 Overall Meeting 0x22 Vice President Celina Morrison officially called the meeting to order on April 4th, 2019 at [?] + Server - Movie Club + Internet Cafe (maybe Saturday? Library closed) - 90s Theme Net Cafe (use geology cart) - Kava House (2 weeks from now) + Maybe ask for hot bean water money - See if we can get shit from coffee prose + LAN(d) Party - Halo 2 - TF2 - Artemis - Siege + PC - Halo Online - Factorio - Minecraft - (Schedule with Jesse. Possibly Sunday, no athletics?) + Build Computer + Petition - (Would you like to bring back the computer gays?) Vice President Celina Morrison officially adjourned the meeting on April 4th, 2019 at [?]